Guest Author Tanith Davenport
Presents The Story
the Skies"
From This Wonderful Book Set!

Alpha Fever: 22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories
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Alpha Fever
22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories

Alpha Fever is filled with a scintillating, spicy blend of ***BRAND NEW*** contemporary and paranormal romance stories written by 24 NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon best selling Authors wrapped up in one amazing boxed set!
The Authors
Elianne Adams – Erzabet Bishop – Muffy Wilson – Rozlyn Sparks –Jacintha Topaz – Elvira Bathory – Tara Crescent – Crystal Dawn – Tricia Owens – D. F. Krieger – A.C. Nixon – Isis Pierce – Abi Aiken – Dawn White – Kiki Howell – Gina Kincade – Bethany Shaw – Danielle Gavan – Abby Hayes – Paige Matthews – Tierney O'Malley – Jacqueline Sweet – Angelica Dawson – Tanith Davenport
"Watch the Skies"
From Alpha Fever
by Tanith Davenport

She wants him. He wants her.
They want to watch.
"Watch the Skies" was something of a departure for me. Not only was it my first time appearing in one of Gina Kincade's box sets, it was my first time writing an alpha female - and didn't that come as a surprise. I always like to write strong heroines. The era of the too-stupid-to-live heroine is behind us - or, if it isn't, it should be. But my heroes and heroines tend to be equals rather than dominant or submissive. The only dominant I'd ever written was Will Vandenmeer from "Ready for Him". So writing an alpha female was a leap, even if it was one I was looking forward to. "Watch the Skies" follows Aster Booker and Wade Sawyer, both members of a UFO investigation team. Aster wants Wade, but Wade seems to resent her very existence - her take-charge attitude makes him buck against her authority. While out on a vigil they are suddenly engulfed in light, waking up on an alien craft... naked, and hearing voices in their heads that tell Aster to fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. Suddenly Aster and Wade are forced to confront their desire for each other - but what do the aliens really want? 
When she came to again, the light was fading. Dark shapes moved at the edges of her vision. Metal. Something metal underneath me. It was nothing like she had ever seen before and yet what it resembled most was a surgical bed. She was lying face down on a surgical bed. Naked. The lingering excitement she still felt began to dissipate as reality set in.
I've been abducted.
After all this time, after all the places they'd visited with minimal success, she hadn't just had an encounter, she'd actually been abducted. Her stomach clenched in fear. Almost immediately she felt another rush of desire. It's them, they're controlling it. She forced open her eyes, which had fallen shut and fought against the sensation to focus on her surroundings.
Her hands and feet weren't tied, that was good. Where were the others? Were they here? She cast a look round the room. The space seemed enormous; it was impossible to see the edges, they just vanished into the dark. Closer to her, all seemed to be white and metallic. The floor below shone a dull grey while the bed had a brighter layer and extending its edges where curves of metal that stood as a reminder of restraints.
To her right, she could see a second bed and Annah, sprawled on her back. She was still clothed, her blonde hair spilling over the edge of the bed, but her hands were restrained and Aster shivered. Further away she could see Hagar standing as if in a trance, her dark ponytail loosened around her shoulders, staring as if unseeing.
She looked to her left and immediately gasped. Wade was lying flat on his back completely naked, his body flushed and glistening with sweat. He wasn't tied, but he was sprawled as if he was, arms and legs spread wide to the edges of the table. Aster's eyes were immediately drawn down the line of blond fuzz to his cock, which stood proud in a nest of curls, straining towards the ceiling.
Oh God. I can't. I can't. Hastily she looked away, but the image lingered in her brain sending a frisson of longing through her body. She could picture herself mounting him, sliding his cock inside her, driving him into her over and over again. As the thought crossed her mind, she became aware of a dark shape directly in front of her. Looking at it was like looking into the sun. The edges were blurred, its shape difficult to determine. She had the impression of a head, of long fingers and of large eyes that bored into her soul.

Tanith Davenport began writing erotica at the age of 27 by way of the Romantic Novelists' Association New Writers' Scheme. Her debut novel "The Hand He Dealt" was released by Total-e-Bound in June 2011 and was shortlisted for the Joan Hessayon Award for 2012. Tanith has had short stories published by Naughty Nights Press and House of Erotica. She loves to travel and dreams of one day taking a driving tour of the United States, preferably in a classic 1950s pink Cadillac Eldorado. Tanith's idea of heaven is an Indian head massage with a Mojito at her side.

Hello Tanith! Thank you for being here today!
Hi everyone, it's lovely to be here!
Let's get started!
How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?
I'd been writing on and off for years but started writing for publication when I was about 28, while having an "oh God I'm nearly thirty" panic. My mentor for the Writer's News fiction course was a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association, so I joined their New Writer's Scheme and never looked back.
What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?
My favourite part of writing is the research. I've found all sorts of weird information and had plenty of strange experiences while researching books. The worst aspect is probably writer's block - I've had days where I know what I want to write and I just can't get it down, which is seriously annoying.
What inspires you to write?
Frequently music - I'll usually have a playlist in my head for every story. Another source of inspiration is dreams, as I dream very vividly and have got some of my best ideas that way.
What is the title of your story included in Alpha Fever? How did you come up with this story?
My story is called "Watch the Skies", about a group of alien hunters who have an unexpected encounter while out on a vigil. I came up with the idea after watching "Chasing UFOs", a "Destination Truth"-style show following a team who investigated sites which had reported sightings. I've never claimed to know much about aliens - I'm more into ghost-hunting - but it struck me as an interesting concept.
How did you conduct your research for "Watch the Skies"?
I didn't manage to go on an actual alien hunt, but I did search out some investigative groups and looked up the sorts of things they do. I also read some books on cryptozoology, since the manner of gathering evidence is much the same.
What are 3 of your favorite lines/quotes from "Watch the Skies"?
- "Maybe I like making you beg."
- "For that, you get to eat me. Let's see how good you are."
- He was staring unashamedly, as though he had wanted nothing more in his life.
What would your friends say is your best quality?
Probably curiosity - I can take an interest in absolutely anything, no matter how strange. My husband likes to say I keep his brain active because at any time I can throw a random question at him based on what I'm writing - he's never let me forget the time I asked him if you could pin someone to a tree with a spear.
Are reader reviews important to you?
Very much so - I want my readers to enjoy what I write, although I know that everyone has their own preferences so not everything I do will be to everyone's taste.
Do you have any blogs/websites?
Yes - you can find me at
What do you do when you don’t write?
I'm the exception to the suggestion that "dinner and a movie" dates are boring - two of my favourite things to do are go to the cinema and try new restaurants. I love horror movies in particular, the scarier the better.
Tell us about your other books?
I've been lucky to have the chance to try out a number of different genres within erotic romance. My debut novel "The Hand He Dealt" will always be my favourite - and, like this story, includes a pegging scene - but I'm also particularly fond of "Ready for Him", my foray into BDSM with a dominant billionaire, and "I Heard Your Voice", the first of two novellas about a paranormal investigator who can attract ghosts by singing.
I always try to include a strong heroine - I think the days of the too-stupid-to-live heroine are over - but "Watch the Skies" includes my first alpha heroine, which was certainly a departure for me. It was interesting to develop the dynamic between Aster and Wade - Wade isn't used to being dominated by women, while Aster isn't used to being rejected by men, so they were great fun to write.
If you could share one thing about yourself that you would like readers to know what would it be?
No matter how difficult it may be, I love every minute of my writing, and hope I can entertain my readers in the same way.
Let's get started!
How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?
I'd been writing on and off for years but started writing for publication when I was about 28, while having an "oh God I'm nearly thirty" panic. My mentor for the Writer's News fiction course was a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association, so I joined their New Writer's Scheme and never looked back.
What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?
My favourite part of writing is the research. I've found all sorts of weird information and had plenty of strange experiences while researching books. The worst aspect is probably writer's block - I've had days where I know what I want to write and I just can't get it down, which is seriously annoying.
What inspires you to write?
Frequently music - I'll usually have a playlist in my head for every story. Another source of inspiration is dreams, as I dream very vividly and have got some of my best ideas that way.
What is the title of your story included in Alpha Fever? How did you come up with this story?
My story is called "Watch the Skies", about a group of alien hunters who have an unexpected encounter while out on a vigil. I came up with the idea after watching "Chasing UFOs", a "Destination Truth"-style show following a team who investigated sites which had reported sightings. I've never claimed to know much about aliens - I'm more into ghost-hunting - but it struck me as an interesting concept.
How did you conduct your research for "Watch the Skies"?
I didn't manage to go on an actual alien hunt, but I did search out some investigative groups and looked up the sorts of things they do. I also read some books on cryptozoology, since the manner of gathering evidence is much the same.
What are 3 of your favorite lines/quotes from "Watch the Skies"?
- "Maybe I like making you beg."
- "For that, you get to eat me. Let's see how good you are."
- He was staring unashamedly, as though he had wanted nothing more in his life.
What would your friends say is your best quality?
Probably curiosity - I can take an interest in absolutely anything, no matter how strange. My husband likes to say I keep his brain active because at any time I can throw a random question at him based on what I'm writing - he's never let me forget the time I asked him if you could pin someone to a tree with a spear.
Are reader reviews important to you?
Very much so - I want my readers to enjoy what I write, although I know that everyone has their own preferences so not everything I do will be to everyone's taste.
Do you have any blogs/websites?
Yes - you can find me at
What do you do when you don’t write?
I'm the exception to the suggestion that "dinner and a movie" dates are boring - two of my favourite things to do are go to the cinema and try new restaurants. I love horror movies in particular, the scarier the better.
Tell us about your other books?
I've been lucky to have the chance to try out a number of different genres within erotic romance. My debut novel "The Hand He Dealt" will always be my favourite - and, like this story, includes a pegging scene - but I'm also particularly fond of "Ready for Him", my foray into BDSM with a dominant billionaire, and "I Heard Your Voice", the first of two novellas about a paranormal investigator who can attract ghosts by singing.
I always try to include a strong heroine - I think the days of the too-stupid-to-live heroine are over - but "Watch the Skies" includes my first alpha heroine, which was certainly a departure for me. It was interesting to develop the dynamic between Aster and Wade - Wade isn't used to being dominated by women, while Aster isn't used to being rejected by men, so they were great fun to write.
If you could share one thing about yourself that you would like readers to know what would it be?
No matter how difficult it may be, I love every minute of my writing, and hope I can entertain my readers in the same way.
That was great! Thank you again!
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